The work at our Victory Garden at Bybee Lakes Hope Center doesn't stop for the winter. We are planning an Orchard Work Party to help take care of our trees and beds.
We will focus on getting our orchard ready for next year. We’re looking for a 5-10 volunteers to join an arborist to lead in:
- Select structure pruning of trees
- Weed 24” around trees and add winter mulch
- Remove mulch from stem to find the root flair
Additionally, we need to organize our greenhouse / shed for future operations
and maintaining walking trails by adding some bark chips for winter.
Special thanks to Honl Tree Care for supporting the workday.
All abilities welcome.
Come help us In the Garden!
When: Saturday, December 9, 2023
*** updating all to confirm the Orchard event – rain or shine 😊 ***
Time: 1pm - 4pm
What: Bybee Lakes Victory Garden Orchard Party
Where: 14355 N Bybee Lake Ct, Portland, OR 97203
Who: YOU and your friends and family
Please Register Below!
(NOTE: you do NOT need to have an account to register. Choose "Continue as Guest" to begin.)
VOLUNTEER WAIVER: Please review our volunteer waiver and if you agree, please choose "Yes" in the appropriate field on the form. You do not need to print out the waiver, but you may want to save it on your computer. Thank you!