The garden at Bybee Lakes Hope Center is growing and thriving! We need continued help and support to harvest the garden and prepare the garden for the winter season. All abilities welcome.
This year there will be several opportunities to harvest the garden for its bounties which will then be offered at the VetREST booth at St. Johns Farmers Market. Additional plants, produce, and crops harvested during the work party may be taken to the St. Johns Farmers Market and/or shared with participants of the Bybee Lakes Hope Center.
Be a part of this great work, contributing to the growth and future of this amazing garden which provides refuge, nourishment, and purpose for many!
Come help us In the Garden!
* Summer Harvest - Saturday, August 16, 2025
* Fall Harvest & Clean Up - Saturday, October 18, 2025
Time: 10 am – 1:00 pm
What: Bybee Lakes Victory Garden Harvest & Work Party
Where: 14355 N Bybee Lake Ct, Portland, OR 97203
Who: YOU and your friends and family
Please Register Below for one or both events!
(NOTE: you do NOT need to have an account to register. Choose "Continue as Guest" to begin.)
VOLUNTEER WAIVER: Please review our volunteer waiver and if you agree, please choose "Yes" in the appropriate field on the form. You do not need to print out the waiver, but you may want to save it on your computer. Thank you!

VetREST and Victory Garden Sponsors